Positive thinking will change everything

Surely as Spiritual Business Woman you have met the concept of positive thinking. You may even have read about it in books, articles.

But do you really realize how it works?

Is it actually true that positive thinking will change everything?

After today you will see the idea of ​​positive thinking in a completely different level. 

You will also understand that motivating anyone to have positive thinking does not make much sense, because that is not the essence of this concept.

Today you will learn also what it is worth focusing your attention on and why it is very important to achieve what you want.

Positive thinking

I do not know if you realize that you carry and have 4 important tools at your disposal at any time of your life.

What are these tools?

It is your mind, body, emotions and spirit. All four tools are closely connected. They also interact with each other and communicate with each other.

You, as a conscious person, can send new information to this system, lose old files, play and record new ones. You’re like the film’s managing director. You keep control over everything.

How can you control these tools? How do you manage them?

Maybe you already know the answer to this question. So you manage them by focusing your attention on your particular thought.

What do you think is a single thought?

Some respond to this: thinking is what I think, or it is a process that takes place in my mind, or a thought occurs when my brain starts to work.

Here is the definition of the notion of a thought that will open your eyes and take a turn in your understanding of your role in creating your own reality:

Well, Thought is the vibrating energy that has the power of creation.

This means that in your life YOU are the creator of many more things than you realize it. Jesus already said that “the Word becomes flesh”

And contrary to appearances, this is not an esoteric definition. In a moment, on your own example, you will see the power of thought.

Psychologists say we have 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Our brains are like factories of thought. They produce thought for the day. And if you think these thoughts do not matter and go into the void, you’ll soon see how deep you are wrong. Again I will repeat: Thought is the vibrating energy that has the power of creation.

In a moment together we will perform an exercise  which will easily prove this definition.


Think for a moment about your favorite dish, something that tastes you so much and why you really can not resist. Are they cheesecake, chocolate, whatever it is now think about it.


How do you think about your favorite food, how did your attitude change, or did you feel increased saliva? Was there a smile on your face? Now just smell this dish and taste a little? What kind of reaction did your body observe now? What emotions did you feel?

See – this simple thought of your favorite food has triggered a whole spectrum of reactions in your body, your emotions, and maybe you even remembered an event in your life related to eating this dish.

And now we will apply another thought. Think of a dish you do not like. Think about it, what color, texture, smell ……. And bite a bit if you can force it.

What reactions in your body arose during this process? What emotions, feelings have woken up? What grimace was created on your face? Where in your body did you feel the most?

All you did was think of your favorite and hated dish, and this has led to a series of reactions. The longer you thought about it, and the more accurately you let the thought of the dish in your mind become, then the reaction to that thought was more intense. And of course your physiognomy reacted quite differently to the thought of your favorite dish and to the thought of the hated. And all this was triggered by one innocent thought.

Do you agree with me on this?

This exercise proves the power of a single thought. That one thought changes in you. It is one thought that can change your emotions and physiological feelings.

Amazing truth?

Now I hope you already understand why what you have heard about the power of positive thinking is the truth. Now you know why you should monitor your thoughts, because you realize what they can do and how powerful they are.

In conclusion, I have for you the words of Charles F. Haanel

“The greatest and most wonderful power that I have been endowed with is the power of thinking. However, few people know how to think constructively or correctly, and consequently only achieve mediocre results. “

Charles F. Haanel

I recommend you read his books: System of Universal Keys, Chemistry of Mind, Book of You

Please share your thoughts on today’s topic in the comment below. It will be inspiring both for me and other users of this blog.

Today’s article was written on the basis of my book: “Live your dreams now!™”

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