Many Spiritual Business Women have underestimated self-worth. Low self-worth making them feel somewhat useless, inferior, inadequate, incomplete and worthless.

This is reflected in the number of satisfied customers, the amount of money they earned and satisfaction in the business they are doing.

Do you have the same problem?

To know your worth take charge of yourself and see how it feels to experience your own power.


The first step in building self-worth is to stop comparing yourself to others and evaluating your every move; in other words, you need to challenge your critical inner voice.

The critical inner voice is like a nasty coach in your head that constantly nags you with destructive thoughts towards yourselves or others.

This internalized dialogue of critical thoughts undermines our sense of self-worth and even leads to self-destructive behaviors, which make us feel even worse about ourselves.

But …. we got the power! We got tools to easy resolve this problem. One with those tools is Positive Alfabet.

Positive Alphabet will help you rebuild your self worth.


Positive Alphabet will help you rebuild your self worth. What I mean and


First Positive Alphabet will help you realize critical inner voice.

Just use words from the board and see how your body reacts to them. If you will feel discomfort it’s means you have hidden limiting beliefs associated with that word. These limiting beliefs delay your success.

Secondly: Positive words will lift your energy and make you feel optimistic.

So I invite you to choose one word that will be your guide today. Maybe one from picture above?

If you manage to do it for the 10 days, then you will notice a Drastic Positive Change in the way you speak, feel and think but also in your self-worth.

Love and Light


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November 21-30, 2022

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