Limiting beliefs about money

Do you know that our beliefs are everything?

Just think about this for while:

  • Do you ever feel like you self-sabotage when it comes to money?
  • Ever wonder if you’ve got some old money beliefs from your childhood that hold you back?

We’re smart and we know that we need to have positive beliefs about money if it is going to flow freely into our life and our holistic business. But….. Here’s the challenge that so many of Spiritual Business Woman are having.

We feel like we can’t admit our limiting beliefs about money. So … we fake it. We tell our-self and others that we believe there is more than enough for everyone and that abundance and prosperity are our birthright and yet…


Limiting beliefs about money

So what’s the deal?

The deal is that we are on the right track, but we haven’t actually changed the limiting beliefs we have about money. So they are still there, defining our reality. If we want a different reality, we need a different belief.

And the first step is to acknowledge what our limiting beliefs are in the first place.

What are Yours limiting beliefs about money?

limiting beliefs

So, do you know what are yours limiting beliefs about money?

You are not shure? It is ok. I will help you:

To reveal your limiting beliefs about money, ask yourself this question:

“I don’t have an abundance of money because ________________. “

And whatever you put in the blank after because is what you really believe about money. Ask yourself this question as many times as you can until you finally run out of answers, then you will have revealed ALL of your limiting beliefs about money.

This is the first step. Awareness alone starts the shift within you.

In the next post you will find another step to help you change your limiting beliefs about money.

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